What is a Plaster Trap?

Plaster Trap: A plaster trap, also known as a settling tank, is a trade waste tank. It is designed to slow the flow of water collected from art/craft workshops and dental/medical laboratories. The internal baffles of a plaster trap slows waste water.  This allows plaster and other materials to sink to the bottom of the tank.  This results in cleaner water being discharged to the sewerage system. … Continued

What is a Settling Tank?

Settling Tank: A settling tank is designed to arrest waste product such as waterborne clay and plaster particles in order to prevent blockage of downstream drainage pipes. Settling tanks are also known as plaster traps. Settling tanks are used in art and craft workshops, dental/medical laboratories or wherever solids are combined with liquids.  The most common size plaster trap is 72 litres for a single sink. However, … Continued

What is a Pump Tank?

Pump Tank: A pump tank is required where waste water needs to be pumped to sewer or to an elevated level.  Pump tanks may include features such as quick-release camlock connectors, non-return valves, high-level alarms and a pre-wired control station junction box. Pipe arrangement and pump selection are made according to the particular application or duty specified. Common applications for pump tanks include: a restaurant’s trade waste tank (grease … Continued

What is a petrol and oil interceptor?

Petrol and Oil Interceptor: A petrol and oil interceptor is usually associated with automotive workshops such as a garage, carwash, etc.  It is also referred to as a Triple Interceptor.  The tank is designed to arrest waste products such as petrol, oil and other hydrocarbons to prevent contamination of downstream drainage systems. Petrol and oil interceptors slow the flow of waste allowing grease, oil, and traces of fuel and … Continued

What is a paint collection tank?

Paint Collection Tank: A paint collection tank is used for the collection of acrylic and oil based paint residue.  Paint collection tanks are partitioned with baffles to slow the flow of waste water allowing the heavier-than-water paint particles to sink to the bottom and the cleaner water to flow out to sewer.  Paint collection tanks are used in paint depots, school art rooms, process and industrial plants. Paint … Continued

What is a Mixing Tank?

Mixing Tank: A mixing tank is typically used in photographic laboratories.  These tanks have three baffles to promote a mixing action as water passes through the tank. This design is to sufficiently dilute chemicals before the water flows out to sewer. Viking Plastics’ above ground mixing tanks are manufactured from 6mm PVC and/or Polypropylene (PP).  Below ground tanks are manufactured from Polypropylene (PP) or Polyethylene(PE). Above ground mixing tanks … Continued

What is a Hair Trap?

Hair Trap: A hair trap is for the collection of hair washed from hair dressing salons’ wash basins.  Hair traps filter hair and/or larger particles passing through the tank via the use of a mesh filter basket contained inside the tank.   Over time, small particles, hair and other matter will collect at the bottom of the basket and must be removed, emptied, cleaned thoroughly … Continued

What is a cooling and straining tank?

Cooling and Straining Tank: A cooling and straining tank is used to slow the flow of warm/hot waste water so the water can cool to a legally acceptable temperature before being discharged to the sewer system. Cooling the water prevents the growth of algae in the sewer system. Cooling and straining tanks have two chambers: the primary tank chamber with a removable straining basket to trap lint, hair and other fibrous … Continued

What is an acid neutralising tank?

Acid Neutralising Tank: An acid neutralising tank is a trade waste tank used to normalise the pH level of waste water containing high levels of acid before the water is discharged into the sewerage system. Acid neutralising tanks are used in art or craft workshops; battery storage areas; cheese manufacturers; dairies; Industries generating acidic waste water; metal etching workshops; photographic laboratories; school or university laboratories. Viking … Continued

What is a trade waste tank?

Trade Waste Tank: A trade waste tank is a trap to retain grease, fat, oil, silt, sand, sludge and other substances to prevent their entry into the sewerage system. Trade waste tanks vary in design according to their application. Trade waste is water that has been contaminated in the process of business and that cannot be returned to the environment safely without treatment. It may contain … Continued